7 Podcasts that Can Inspire Your Next Corporate Content Brainstorm

uStudio Staff | Podcasting

More and more corporations are podcasting to employees and customers, and they often ask us which styles of internal podcasts can be useful in a business setting. Here are seven examples of podcasts that can inspire your next content brainstorm as you get started creating your very own shows. 

#1  Provide Companion Content to Increase Learning

Built to Sell is a high-end, hosted interview podcast focused on the process of selling businesses. The terminology can be complex, however this show does a good job simplifying terms and concepts, making it easy for you to jump in and understand the discussion. If you want to learn more about who is being interviewed, Built to Sell Radio also includes show notes to give you more information. In case you don’t have time to listen to the podcast, you can quickly skim the show notes to see what’s going on. LISTEN >

#2  Simplify Complex Concepts in Audio

Planet Money is often one of the highest-rated podcasts because it focuses on simplifying complex and important economic issues into digestible pieces of information that anyone can grasp. This is something that companies struggle with on a regular basis, so Planet Money can be a great example of how the pros do it. LISTEN >

#3  Make Room for Humor

Girlboss Radio is a great example of a successful, informal podcast show that discusses unconventional topics. Although Sophia Amoruso was once named Forbe’s richest self-made woman, her show is both casual and unpretentious. Companies often run the risk of taking themselves or their subject matter too seriously, which can make listeners feel intimidated or not included in the conversation. Sometimes the most serious topics are better dealt with informally with a dash of humor.  Check out Girlboss Radio to see how Sophia does it. LISTEN >

#4  Don’t Worry About Too Many Sound Effects

Masters in Business is a podcast show that explains finance and other business concepts. It has a unique sound relative to other business shows like the ones found on NPR. One listener described it as feeling that they are eavesdropping on an interesting coffee shop conversation. There is little to no music in the background, and the episodes aren’t overly produced with sound effects or other frills. However, the content and style are very engaging, proving that you can still make a great business show without trying to copy NPR. LISTEN >

#5  Make Artwork Part of Your Show’s Appeal

The Distance is a great example of how to integrate artwork with a podcast series. Their website illustrates different sketches with short summaries regarding the episode topic, giving listeners the impression they are flipping through a child’s story book. Additionally, it creates a “story time” atmosphere by adding narration and light-hearted background music. For companies that already have in-house creative services, consider reaching out to graphics designers or illustrators to create a multi-media experience for your podcast. LISTEN >

#6  Keep it Under 10 Minutes

Hard Pass is a great show to listen to when you have less than ten minutes to spare. The hosts focus on breaking down dense topics into fun and understandable information for listeners and providing a key takeaway that helps the audience feel smarter in a short period of time. Corporate podcasts often ask “how long should an episode be?” This is a good example of distributing useful information in short bursts. LISTEN >

#7  Skip the Template. Give Your Best Talent Free Reign.

Tim Ferriss is a mega-talent known for his unconventional style. What makes him so special? Other than authoring a New York Times bestseller, Ferriss’s success comes from his careful preparation, attention to detail and his passion for the subject he is covering. He is known to experiment during interviews rather than sticking to a formal template. He reminds us that finding someone in your organization who is incredibly passionate, articulate and fun to listen to can be a show in and of itself. Just give them the freedom to explore. LISTEN >

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