The Value of Voice and Audio in Corporate Culture
uStudio CEO Jen Grogono and Marketing Manager Zoe Bell are joined with Stacey Porter, the Vice President of People Operations and Strategy at Outset Medical, to discuss the role of voice and how businesses can work to connect culture with their bottom line. Stacey also shares information about Outset Medical’s most recent enterprise podcast show, “Off the Air,” and practical advice for getting started with podcasting.
“Just Get Started” with Corporate Podcasting
In our season premiere, uStudio CEO Jen Grogono and Marketing Manager Zoe Bell are joined with leading thought leader in internal communications, Scott McInnes, to discuss how companies can start podcasting without hesitation. We discuss practical podcasting advice for getting started as well as the role media plays in connecting humans in any increasingly dispersed workplace.
How CCC Reached 99% Returning Podcast Users
In this episode, we are joined with John Buckner and Craig Stevens from CCC Information Services as they discuss their podcasting strategy and how their amount of returning listeners reached 99% in just a few months post-launch. From implementing video podcasting during COVID-19, converting pre-existing assets into podcasts, creating podcast “move trailers” and more, their strategy is filled with unique tactics that are sure to take your program to the next level.
How Astellas Pharma Created a Scalable Podcast Strategy
In this episode, hear the success story of Josh Williamson at Astellas Pharma US, who sought to maximize field representative’s windshield time. Not only did Josh want to take advantage of a broader organization need, he was also interested in finding a solution that was scalable so that he could additionally support their learning and development organization. Today, Astellas has 11 internal podcast shows available to its employees through uStudio. Listen to this episode to learn more about Josh’s content strategy.
How Encompass Health is Keeping Employees Engaged During COVID-19
In this episode, Vice President of Professional Development at Encompass Health explains how Encompass is using uStudio’s private podcasting solution to communicate and engage with its dispersed employee workforce. Encompass has a large mobile workforce who is deployed all over the country and needed a creative solution to get COVID information out quickly. Listen to this episode to learn more about Encompass’ engagement strategy and how they implement storytelling to connect their remote employees during difficult times.
How PegaSystems Reaches Sales People More Effectively
In this episode, we spoke with Tiffiny Fisher and Lauren Shanley, both in sales strategy and transformation at PegaSystems, who were looking for an effective way to meet their sales team “where they are” – which is always on the move. PegaSystems considered building their own application internally with their development team but wanted to go to market quickly with this new medium. Moving forward with an enterprise podcast expert with the right functionality allowed them to move faster and easily integrate the podcasting product with their own internal systems. Learn more about their story and their success launching PegaPodcasts.
How Resonate Recordings Produces a Quality Podcast Episode
The Resonate Recording Team of Jacob Bozarth and Caleb Hill join us for a walkthrough of what it means to produce a quality podcast. Listen as they expand on everything from resources on how to record remotely, to a break down of important equipment and tools, and explaining who is really necessary to include in your private podcast team. For those who don’t think they have enough time to continually post new content to their private podcast – think again. This episode touches on those pre-existing corporate assets that would make for great corporate podcast episodes.
How LivePerson Makes Communication Easier with Podcasting
Hollie Ellison, Senior Director of Communications at global technology company LivePerson, knew there had to be an easier way than her quarterly-run town halls to communicate internally with their global workforce.
In this episode, Hollie spoke with us to compare podcasting to LivePerson’s past programs. She busts the myth that starting and producing a private podcast is a heavy lift, even for a beginner podcaster.
How Dell Scored an 80% Podcast Adoption Rate in Their First Year
Erika Reilly, Program Manager for Dell Technologies’ Specialist Sellers, was challenged to increase the throughput of key corporate messaging to their 1500+ field specialists. They needed to increase their visibility into how well the content was being consumed – traditional mediums like email were only approximating a 10-15% engagement rate. Listen to our conversation with Erika as we discuss how Dell transitioned a significant volume of communication from email to podcast and their best practices for establishing consistency and scalability within this initiative.
How Facebook Leaders Incorporate Storytelling Into Podcast Content
In this episode we are joined by Tom Floyd, a L&D professional with a track record of success as both a leader within tech companies including Facebook and Apple as well as an entrepreneur running a private management consulting firm. Tom spoke with us regarding his successful track-record of establishing a podcast content process and engaging enterprise audiences in a meaningful way. He explains how storytelling can be game changing in how your employees respond to your podcast content.
JEN GROGONO: The Business Case for Podcasting
uStudio CEO, Jen Grogono, explains why corporations should be leveraging the podcast medium for better employee, customer and partner engagement.
DR. ART MARKMAN: Turn Passions into Podcasts
Art Markman is a cognitive psychologist who currently teaches at The University of Texas at Austin. He also serves as the director of a program called Human Dimensions of Organization, which aims to teach students about how culture, groups, and people influence a work environment.
In this podcast episode, Art discusses his love for the human mind in a podcast, the challenges leaders may face when trying to change things up, and how versus why knowledge. He also dives into how organizations can better leverage podcasting to raise their collective IQ.
REID MANGAN: Build a Studio on a Budget
Emmy-winning audio expert Reid Mangan discusses all things gear and reveals how easy it is to get started. He currently serves as a partner and head of production for On-Airstreaming.
In this episode, Reid discusses audio essentials to help you get started with corporate podcasting. Don’t miss the section at 10:37 to hear Reid’s preferences on podcasting gear!
NIR EYAL: Build Habit-Forming Podcasts That Get Listened To
Dubbed “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology” by MIT Tech Reviews, Nir Eyal is an expert of what drives us to engage with certain products over others. He specializes in the intersection of business, psychology and technology to form what he calls “behavioral design.”
In this podcast episode, Nir discusses his “Hooked” model and applies it to the world of podcasting. He goes in depth on how long it takes to form a habit and provides tips on content creation. To hear Nir discuss the four parts of the habit-forming model, jump to 3:38.
SALESFORCE CASE STUDY: How We Made Podcasting a Reality at Salesforce
For eight years running, Salesforce has been ranked as one of the most innovative companies in the world. It’s no surprise that they are early adopters of new technologies including the use of advanced rich media like private podcasting for modernizing how they train and communicate with their employees to ensure a winning team.
In this podcast, we talk to two of the team members behind the launch of Salesforce Radio – Noelle Moreno, the Sr. Director of Content Strategy for Sales Enablement at Salesforce, and Andrew Duncan the Director of the Sound Department.
In this episode, Moreno and Duncan take us through the journey of selling private podcasting to Salesforce leadership and building what ultimately became Salesforce Radio.
ALI BROWN: Host Your Own Show Like a Pro
Ali Brown is dubbed one of Forbes “Woman to Watch” and is also a top-rated podcast host for her show, Glambition Radio. She is here with us to share her insider tips for hosting your own show and being a great interviewer.
Ali is also known as one of the world’s most renowned entrepreneurial coaches, and has been recognized by major business publications, such as Forbes.com, Business News Daily, Entrepreneur.com and many more.
In this episode, Ali discusses the obstacles she encountered when she first started podcasting, and tips for how to overcome those issues. If you want to know how podcasting positively impacted Ali’s popularity among listeners, jump to 7:57!
TIM SANDERS: Why Podcast?
Tim Sanders is the former Chief Solutions Officer at Yahoo, best selling author of four books including Love is the Killer App. He’s also a top rated speaker on the lecture circuit with specialties in leadership, financial services, technology services, staffing, HCM and innovation. Over the last few yeas, his research has centered around speeding up innovation through smarter collaboration.
In this episode, Sanders gives us a data-driven case for the transformative power of rich media in the enterprise and the surprising power of internal audio podcasting. Don’t miss the spot where he says audio is 500% more effective than print for communications clarity and comprehension.