How one Innovative Software Company Reaches Employees More Effectively with Media Streaming and Podcasts
uStudio Staff | Customer Spotlight, Internal Communications, Podcasting

Before uStudio, Pega Software was communicating with their sales teams through a weekly webcast and hosted webinar-based training sessions. The trouble was that these webinars were live and occurred on fixed timeframes. It was always convenient for only a portion of employees and certainly not those based around the world and in different time zones.
Lauren Shanley, chief-of-staff on the Client Engagement team, decided to find a way to reach the sales team where they were, without diversions or an increase in dreaded e-mail traffic. She chose to offer people podcasts delivered across a private streaming network.
After looking at several vendors and even considering a move to build their own application, they elected to use uStudio’s market-leading platform. uStudio gave them the ability to deploy quickly while also ensuring enterprise privacy, information security, system integration and governance standards were maintained.
uStudio’s team sat down with Lauren to learn more about how and why Pega made the move to podcasting and where they continue to adapt the program to ensure growth in audience adoption and overall business impact.
Some of the highlights include:
At 3:25, Lauren talks about what prompted Pega to look at podcasting for internal comms: "We were getting tons and tons of emails sent to our salespeople. We were having content all over the place on our content portal. And we had really just this weekly 9:00 AM call every Friday called our sales excellence webinar. So as I came on board into this role, I was asked by my boss to really reevaluate how we were delivering content to the field and making it in a more streamlined manner."
At 6:10, Here’s what led Pega to uStudio? Lauren offered: "…we did a quite extensive vendor search to figure out who we would go with for private podcasting. And I've never in my sales career ever had competitors of anybody say, oh no, you need to go back to uStudio. We kept getting pointed back to uStudio. And that was quite a sign that uStudio would be able to fit all of the requirements we have."
At 11:27, On discussing program feedback from users, Lauren said: "…I think one of the things I learned is that if you hear something once it's something that you can balance pretty well and incorporate if you need to. If you're hearing things three or four or five times, it's definitely feedback you should incorporate, because a lot of times other people are thinking it, they're just not socializing it."
At 24:18, Lauren expands on adoption and analytics: "…we're pretty proud of our numbers, I think the big thing they show is that our users come back for more. They're not coming for one episode, they're coming and they're listening to five or six episodes at a time, which is just fantastic."
As always the full transcript is available for those who want to scan and for listeners, you can hear the entire webinar by clicking play.
As always the entire webinar and transcript are available to watch, listen or read.