Cord Cutting Getting Real

uStudio | Industry Trends

Deloitte’s “State of the Media Democracy Survey, Sixth Edition” is an incredible reference guide to the rapidly evolving world of technology, content and how consumers use technology to find and consumer content.

As far as video consumption goes there are two very interesting tidbits in the report. First, that 9% of those surveyed had canceled their cable bills and cut the cord. More interesting is that an additional 11% are considering it. Through a variety of new content platforms and new devices to consume them on, more and more people are realizing they can do without that hefty monthly bill.

Industry site ReelSEO, has a great point – sports programming is the lynchpin that keeps people on cable. If more sports programming was available online, you would see a substantial increase in those both cutting the cord and thinking about it as well.

At the same time, Cable services are highly valued. To make sense of these seemingly opposing trends, you have to overlay the data and get a picture of the “new media” consumer. Just because these consumers are cutting cable or thinking about it doesn’t mean that they don’t value cable. Simply put, most people are keeping their cable bills, but the amount of time spent watching media from streaming media is surging. It’s not a simple either-or proposition anymore. One Monday night, a “new media” consumer might watch football on their cable service, Tuesday a movie on Netflix, Wednesday a sit-com during its initial broadcast, but Thursday is catching up on an old series on Hulu.

One last piece of data, that is food for thought if you haven’t begun thinking about how to get your content into the appropriate digital streaming platforms, in 2009 only 28% of people streamed movies. In 2011, that number jumbed to 42%. Don’t be surprised if that number doubles again over the next two years. If that percentage is streaming movies, think of the substantial audience available for streaming all kinds of content there is.

Now is the time to start getting your content digitized and available through as many appropriate content platforms as possible. Those who don’t may face the painful reality of playing catch-up in an incredible diverse and complex environment.

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