Using Video to Train Your Sales Team and Improve the Sales Enablement Process
uStudio | Industry Trends, Sales, Training & Learning
uStudio | Industry Trends, Sales, Training & Learning
Or in other words, your sales team’s ability to properly communicate the most valuable, up-to-date knowledge of your company story and offering to your customers. While this might seem obvious, many companies are still not using the latest technologies to equip their sales teams and ensure that stakeholders are receiving the most current and consistent company information during those conversations. So, what is the best way to train your sales team so that they can be effective at imparting that knowledge? What is the best medium for that team to learn and retain in our ever changing, mobile world?
The benefits of using video technology to train sales teams are considerable. Video is a medium that is easy to digest and allows the corporate market to communicate large amounts of information simply and efficiently. Just some of the advantages to using video to train sales teams include, the ability to:
Video is the most effective method for corporations to train sales teams. Sales enablement and corporate learning teams should look for an enterprise video platform that can power an effective video training strategy. Look for a solution that can be easily integrated with existing CRM and LMS solutions. Integration with a CRM, for example, allows for just-in-time video training so sales team members get the training they need when they need it.
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