How to Increase Video Discovery: Video Site-Seeing

uStudio | Media Management

Not too long ago, in a galaxy not too far away, we suggested that you think big- even bigger than YouTube when it comes to distributing your videos. Is that possible considering YouTube claims to have one billion unique visitors each month?

YouTubeVimeoYes, if you add other video sharing sites to your video distribution strategy. For example, how would you feel about adding over 120 million viewers each month – in addition to those YouTube brings to the party. You can by including Dailymotion into your video marketing strategy. The site features an array of offerings that make it appealing from a marketing and lead gen perspective, and it’s is SEO friendly. (That couldn’t hurt, right?)

Okay, now you’re thinking YouTube and Dailymotion. Why stop there? Vimeo is another video sharing site with a large audience – some 70 million unique visitors. All this to say that your  distribution game plan is suddenly a major league upgrade for garnering greater brand awareness, a larger lead pool, a tool to help better position your products and services.

Okay, okay. It’s not that you don’t want to ensure greater audience discovery, it’s the  technical issue–getting your videos from your files to these destinations. Formatting alone is headache producing: all those different, and constantly changing, codecs, bitrates and players for all these different sites and viewing devices.

Make sure your video management solution can publish your video to any destination you need. Video uses are becoming more and more diverse, but too many video player “platforms” are simply not up to the task, mostly because they weren’t built with a vision for today and tomorrow.

The world for video makers and marketers may begin with YouTube, but it certainly doesn’t end there. Don’t let technical considerations keep that world smaller than it should be.

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