Enterprise Podcasting

Engage your sales team with a mobile, modern podcast experience.

- Give busy sales reps the freedom to consume podcast content anywhere and on their own time.
- Utilize SSO with Salesforce to ensure sensitive, internal-only podcast content is secure and only available to approved reps.
- Increase the efficiency for managing different communications teams and programs, leveraging uStudio’s single, scalable cloud infrastructure.
- Better engage today’s audience with this increasingly popular content delivery experience.
- Configure unique podcast designs and programming for specific divisions.
- Build reports and dashboards in Salesforce to measure user engagement and podcast consumption.
Why use secure podcasting for sales training?
Adding podcasting as a channel for delivering secure communications to your sales team provides your reps with a convenient, engaging way to access important content even when they’re on the road.
Additionally, since uStudio Enterprise Podcasting is tightly integrated into Salesforce, you’re able to relate podcast listening behavior back to rep performance like activities, close rate, pipeline, and more.
Leading companies use media for sales enablement.
Salesforce uses podcasting to modernize global sales training and communication.
Reimagine how your sales team communicates:
- Product one-sheets become recorded demos.
- Written talking points become audio or video pitch practice.
- Competitive battlecards become video tutorials with the reps who know the competition inside and out.
- Written customer feedback becomes live conversations with your customers on a podcast, sharing their experience with your company.

uStudio Enterprise Podcasting for Salesforce Features
Enterprise Class Security
Users are authenticated with their Salesforce credentials, ensuring sensitive, internal-only content stays secure. Plus, uStudio’s signed embed system adds security at the player and stream layers, further protecting your content.
Engaging User Experience
uStudio’s Podcast App for Salesforce emulates the consumer podcast experience. This enables enterprise communications teams to drive engagement and improve the employee experience by making information feel like entertainment.
Simple Administration
Administration for uStudio’s Enterprise Podcast Solution is powered by the uStudio Media Management Hub. From there you are able to manage everything – podcast shows, episodes, and mobile app branding.
Detailed Listener Analytics
uStudio created the only podcasting solution that captures which users listen to which episodes and for how long — and, it’s all recorded in Salesforce. Now, you can analyze podcast data in custom reports that are relevant to your unique business goals.
uStudio’s Enterprise Podcasting for Salesforce supports diverse use cases.
Fill out the form for a consultation with uStudio media specialists to learn about private podcasts for your organization.