Video Subclipping to Create Quick Video Teasers

uStudio | Product News

subclip_dialogMost people know that YouTube is not perfect for all videos, particularly those meant for paid subscribers or pay-per-view. YouTube is, however, a great platform to drive audience and interest to those kinds of videos.

One of our most innovative customers has found an efficient way to do just that by creating 2-3 minute teaser “trailers” of their training videos, with links back to the entire video on their paid, subscriber-only portal.

As a uStudio customer, they take advantage of uStudio’s new Video Subclipping feature, which allows users to quickly create small video clips from an existing video without having to go back into editing software. This particular customer dramatically reduced manual process in their workflow, saving valuable time. They simply upload a single file, create a video subclip, and then distribute the subclip to YouTube and the full file to their subscriber portal — all within uStudio.

With Video Subclipping, our customer can also offer their viewers more control over their hour-long videos. Subclips can be used as “chapters” for long video by using our Playlist Player. This gives viewers the ability to consume a video in smaller portions depending on their schedule, or the control to scan past sections as needed. And, at the same time, the video owner will probably save on unnecessary bandwidth usage.

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