Smart Girls Have More Fun!

uStudio | Customer Spotlight

When Smart Girls At The Party came to us for help, we weren’t happy, we were ecstatic.

Cre­ated by Amy Poehler, Amy Miles, and Mered­ith Walker, the online chan­nel cel­e­brates girls, friend­ships and spon­ta­neous dance parties!

The chan­nel has a vari­ety of series that are all aimed at empow­er­ing girls through pos­i­tive image and humor. View­ers get to learn about dif­fer­ent careers, like glass­blow­ing, meet girls from around the globe through the pen pal series, as well as get to know what the boys think with their “Boy’s Minute.”

uStu­dio helps Smart Girls by giv­ing them a cen­tral place to store, review and pub­lish their videos. This gives the team a place to prep and review con­tent and get it to their audi­ence with a push of a button.

Look for new episodes every Mon­day, Wednes­day and Friday.


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