5 Tips to Survive YouTube’s Algorithm

uStudio | Industry Trends


Not too long ago, in a galaxy far, far away on the planet that is YouTube-land, rulers worshipped views. But then things changed (again), as the powers-that-be moved from worshipping sheer viewing numbers to revering viewing time – an engagement measurement. But, in this benevolent dictatorship, the change aimed at expanding viewing time across all of YouTube, not just your videos.

These leaders knew that encouraging video producers to provide more relevant videos was like a rising-tide-lifts-all-boats kinda thing: More, better videos across the board meant more eyeballs stayed on YouTube longer. (Which is why the algorithm will also give weight to how long a viewer stays on YouTube after watching your video.)

So, no surprise,  while YouTube provides you with a high value proposition –  eyeball exposure – they do have another agenda. They want all those eyeballs to add to their value: the longer a viewer stays on YouTube, the more ads they will be served (and, from YouTube’s perspective, hopefully click on), the more money YouTube makes.

All this means that there are a number of things to consider as a result of this change. We’ll just concentrate on a few things you need to account for so your strategy responds in your favor to YouTube’s algorithmic shifts.

1. It’s a cliche, but worth repeating: Content is king – with a twist: Content strategy is king.  More than ever your content must now match your organizational objective, meaning it must match the demands of the viewer you want to attract. Old advice, but still relevant. Mapping content tone and message to objectives will increase relevancy. Relevancy increases viewing time. Viewing time affects ranking.

2. Don’t get caught in the longer is better or shorter is better trap. Length is no guarantee a video will be watched beyond the opening frame. See our blog about stats on how many stay til the closing curtain. Other ways to to optimize viewing time can be found here.

3. Metadata, tags, titles, descriptions also still count. Some best practices can be found here.

4. YouTube’s goal is to get a viewer to spend as much time on YouTube as possible. If your goal is the same then great, focus your video strategy there. However, if your goal is to get viewers of your YouTube video to your site — where you can control the experience — then you need to be aware that your goals are in opposition to YouTube. Using YouTube embeds on your site may increase your YouTube views but not necessarily help your YouTube ranking because most folks will stay on your site rather than continue to engage with YouTube.

5. Expand your video strategy beyond YouTube. Don’t put your eggs in one basket – it’s a phrase I’m sure your mother used as much as mine did. Well, mom was right. While YouTube is the 500 lb. gorilla, there are other players in the game. Here are a few other video sharing sites to consider. And always make sure your videos live in an environment that you have total control over, i.e. your website.

While it is a YouTube world, and we just live in it, you don’t have to sacrifice your organization’s strategic goals on their alter. There is a way to peacefully and profitably coexist. These suggestions are a start.

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