Release Notes: Enterprise Podcasting 1.15
uStudio Staff | Product News
As uStudio's continued commitment, we will make sure all applicable items associated to each release; large or small are published here. Our Secure Corporate Podcast application has received a relatively minimal update today, which provides an essential infrastructure updates for future releases and addresses some known items for customers and prospects alike - each release is accompanied by detailed Release Notes, as provided below.
As always, we’re here if you have any questions.
Happy podcasting!
Podcast v1.15 Release Notes
Develop a more effective and efficient way to reach your employees, clients, customers and partners with the latest and greatest Enterprise Podcast updates.. From important security features and UI and UX improvement to a better internal content sharing experience, the release notes detailed below offer a condensed description of enhancements, modifications and new features. Use these notes to prepare for success across your organization.
New Features
This version includes the following new features:
- Video Infrastructure (POD-967, POD-941)
The podcast application infrastructure has been upgraded to prepare for Video Podcast Shows in an upcoming release.
Issues Addressed
This version addresses the following issues from prior versions:
- Live event player now closes at the end of a live event (POD-942)
Instead of leaving the player open after a live event ends, the player now closes.
- Unplayed count in Podcast Web application now accurately reflects the true played state (DPOD-39)
The unplayed a status is now correct in the Podcast Web application.
- Cookies are no longer required to log into the Podcast Web application (DPOD-40)
Regardless of whether your browser accepts cookies or not, Podcast listeners may log into the Podcast Web application.
- If present, the icon for the News Show now displays correctly in the podcast Web application (DPOD-44)