Engage your teams anytime and anywhere on any device within your workforce. Deliver private corporate audio and video messages securely to your organization with a world-class white label and intuitive mobile and web application.

White label application with
multiple podcast shows

Multiple podcasts within
each targeted show

Extended player allows
personalized experience

Robust analytics showing
who, how much, for how long
Why companies use uStudio secure podcasting for communications:
How uStudio can improve your company’s communication

Reach Every
Keep your workforce up-to-date by using private podcasting channels, video on-demand and live streams to launch new programming with executive messages and company initiatives in the way your teams want to receive information. Everyone in sync no matter where they are or when they’re available.

Offer on-the-go
Design every on-boarding and professional development experience around the way people learn. Use private podcasting channels to breathe life into your training curricula. Secure media applications for desktop or mobile learners ensure your content is accessible, trackable and effective.

Turn sales downtime
into uptime
Don’t let windshield time or a lack of know-how undermine your sales performance. Keep every rep on point with private podcast content and news they can use. With a secure mobile media application, you can transform on-the-go downtime into productive uptime.

On-demand video and
live audio streaming
Share critical messages, town halls, and executive updates with on- demand video and live streaming audio. Increase participation, protect investments, share information rapidly, and nuture company culture within your entire workforce instantly. Innovate faster, react faster, and adapt faster than ever before.